Christine Blanc's vacation time NAOSHIMA
Esthète, dandy...si ces épithètes n’étaient pas aujourd’hui galvaudés, ils définiraient parfaitement la vie et l’œuvre de Marc Raynal, qui sous plusieurs noms de plume, (Maud Molyneux, Louella Interim, Dora Forbes), a animé pendant près de dix ans les pages mode et cinéma de Libération aux côtés de Serge Daney, Michel Cressole et Gérard Lefort. La plume de Maud Molyneux est unique : fantastique écrivain de la mode, sans doute le meilleur après Proust, c’est également un cinéphile ardent, qui célèbre avec amour, loin des dérives théoriques de la critique, le grand cinéma hollywoodien dans un style au classicisme épuré.
Grand critique, Maud Molyneux fut également une personnalité aussi attachante que fascinante : à la fois érudit hors-normes (« quand on ne savait pas, on téléphonait à Maud », témoignent aujourd’hui ses amis), pilier du Paris nocturne des années 70, passionné de mode et d’histoire du costume. Lire Maud Molyneux/Louella Interim aujourd’hui est une véritable redécouverte, celle de l’une des dernières grandes plumes de la presse culturelle.
“Un jour très garçon, barbu, portant jean serré, catogan et chemise imprimée, sosie troublant de John Lennon. Le lendemain en minijupe noire, cuissardes et chignon. Et toujours la Gauloise sans filtre au coin des lèvres. Il parlait de lui au masculin et se faisait appeler au féminin, quelques fois l'inverse. Louella, La Maud, Marc, Dora, comme on voudra. Un être féroce et raffiné qui, à l'instar d'un Brummel, avait fait de sa vie une oeuvre d'art. » (Gérard Lefort, Libération, 18 septembre 2009).
Ce livre propose une anthologie de ses articles sur le cinéma (de Bette Davis à Pasolini, de Blade Runner à Douglas Sirk, Louella Interim aborde tous les genres avec un regard unique) et la mode (Yves Saint-Laurent, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Madame Grès, Chantal Thomas… il les a tous connus et a analysé leur style).
Dans une première partie, le livre évoque le parcours et la personnalité de ce dandy d’un autre siècle en donnant la parole à ceux qui l’ont connu ou qui ont travaillé avec lui. Serge Toubiana, Gérard Lefort, Adeline André, Pascal Thomas dressent un portrait drôle et touchant de leur ami.
Invited back for Les Étés de la Danse in collaboration with the Theatre National de Chaillot, Mikhail Baryshnikov returns to Paris with an original project which combines theater, dance, music and video.
The show is a stage adaptation of the new In Paris written in 1940 by the Russian writer Ivan Bunin (1870-1953), Nobel Prize for Literature in 1933. It is a production of the Baryshnikov Arts Center & Laboratory of Dmitry Krymov, in association with the Century Foundation and the Russian Korjaamo Theatre in Helsinki.
In the new Paris is the story of two Russian immigrants who meet by chance in Paris in 1930. He is a former General of the Russian White Army, she a beautiful young woman, by far his junior. They fall madly in love, but the time between them are numbered. When one dies, the other discovers what true solitude.
Theatre National de Chaillot
1 Place du Trocadero 75116 Paris
Standard> 01 53 65 31 00
1 Place du Trocadero 75116 Paris
If Cézanne (1839-1906) is generally associated with the Provence region, we can not limit it. More than half of his time, from the time he devoted himself to painting, going to Paris and the Paris region. He made the trip Aix - Paris more than twenty times! Of course, the reasons for his coming is not the same at twenty and sixty years...
Cézanne et Paris : Musée du Luxembourg ( Paris )
Valery Koshlyakov thinks not in categories of time, but in categories of cultural spaces, where emptiness is more important than presence since it preserves within itself the spirit of the time, zeitgeist, which the artist then relays to the viewer. On giant pieces of corrugated cardboard, Koshlyakov creates monumental images of past grandeur, which amaze with their compositional rigor and the nobility of the fated fading. Like all monumentalists, he is totalitarian. The subjects of his paintings are Pompeian frescoes, Constructivist Moscow, Greek, Roman, and Stalinist architecture, Gothic cathedrals, monuments from both the Renaissance and contemporaneity. His painting on corrugated cardboard pretends to be a masterpiece from epochs past found accidentally in the dumpster. Trash, under his brush, turns into an object of reflection and becomes priceless.
Alexander Evangely
Diane Arbus (1923-1971) revolutionized the art of photography.
With over two hundred photographs, the exhibition will discover the source, extent, but also the aspirations of a perfect original force in the world of photography. It will present all the iconic images of the artist, and a large number of photographs that have so far never been exhibited. The early works already show the sensitivity of Arbus, through the expression of a face, the posture of a body, the type of light or the presence of particular objects in a room or a landscape . Inspired by the unique relationship that weaves the photographer with her subject, all these elements combine to invite the viewer to a truly intimate encounter.
Jeune de Paume Paris : 18/10/2011 > 05/02/2012
This important exhibition dedicated to the Norwegian painter Edvard Munch, organized in close collaboration with the Munch Museum in Oslo, presents a series of major works of the painter as he was rarely possible to see in France.
Title Edvard Munch. the modern eye 1900 - 1944, this innovative project, both scientifically and demanding, offers a dialogue between the pictorial work of the artist in the twentieth century and his interest in forms of representation of the most modern of its time: photography , cinema, but also the renewal of theatrical staging. Often presented as a painter of the nineteenth century Symbolist or pre-expressionist Edvard Munch is regarded here as an artist of the twentieth century, fully embodied in the modern and avant-garde.
The exhibition features fifty-nine paintings, period photographs and forty-nine, twenty-four works on paper, four movies and a rare sculpture by Edvard Munch.